Sunday, April 19, 2009

There is a Better Way to Live Your Life

So you're Lost:
You had a home but couldn't stay,
You tried to run but lost your way.
Nobody loves or cares about you,
You're burdened by fear, remorse, doubt too.
But don't go, there's a man who's been searching for you,
He loves the fainthearted, the lost, destitute.

So you're a Slut:
The guys all think you're really hot,
So many lust for what you've got.
But be careful what you choose to wear,
Watch how you talk or toss your hair.
Your body is your sacred temple,
Take care to follow the Good Example.

So you're a Flirt:
Now "slut" and "flirt" are not the same,
Of flirting do not be ashamed.
Be wise, though, you may mislead some,
These "some" are weaker, sometimes dumb.
Though it may not all be your mistake,
Cut the act, avoid the wake...

So you're Running:
In a moment of anger, a slip of the tongue,
Or a terrible crime, putting you on the run.
Your situation is now out of control,
Wherever you turn puts you deeper in the hole.
But stop all this running, there's no need to hide!
There's a man here named Jesus, who so loved you He died!

So you're Gay:
You naturally just like the guys,
They get you feeling oversized.
You can't help what turns you on,
But listen, Bud, that's simply wrong.
These thoughts and acts are abominable,
Change your ways or lose your soul.

So you're a Whore:
You enjoy having to share your bed,
You don't have dreams to ever be wed.
Something inside your body seeks,
You feed it pleasure until it peaks.
Someday down the road, you'll see,
That's not what you need to be happy.

So you're a Druggy:
Addicted and high, you feel just one need,
You light up another, and smoke some more weed.
You lie there, indulging a blissful mirage,
Til it fades; you're left puking up in your garage.
What if I told you that you could get higher?
On a love that saves people like you from eternal fire.

So you're a Failure:
Nothing you attempt to do seems to turn out right,
You're wondering if there's anything that's really worth the fight.
They say that you're not good enough, why should you get a repeat?
What's the point in trying again if you're already set for defeat?
But listen now, I know of One, who'll give you a second try,
He'll forgive you of the wrongs you've done, it was for our mistakes that He did die.

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