Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It is well, it is well

Wow, so it's been a long time since I've posted here.. I've been telling myself for the past few months that I would do it as soon as things slowed down, but I never got around to it. And things never slowed down!

I do love my business, I get to see a good deal of my friends at church or church related things such as book/Bible studies. But sometimes it's pretty overwhelming.. I'm lucky to only have school two times a week now, with classes only through early afternoon, but the rest of my weeks are filled with working my normal job, as a sugar biscuit fryer, working as an office assistant at my old school, a homeschool academy that I graduated from. That is my non-church related schedule. The rest of the week is filled with all sorts of studies and a few services, that I greatly enjoy.

But with all this going on, I hardly have any time where I'm still. I'm so far behind on sleep right now. There was once, a week ago, when I had a free afternoon, it was raining, and I went for a long walk. I went down through the woods, following some dear trails, to a stream where I had a good long time to be alone with God. I had a good, unrushed amount of time to talk with him and read through the beginning of Romans again, really picking it apart and understanding it.

Another thing: I'm going to be gone all summer. Starting in June. I'll be working as a camp counselor. I will be at that camp unti lthe end of summer. I'm going to love what I will be doing, but the only dissapointing factor is that I won't see any of my friends or family, I won't be participating in any of their adventures, and I will be missing all of them immensely! However, I will have most weekends to myself when campers are gone. My Friday nights and Saturdays will be filled with phone calls and letter writing while my co-workers go off sightseeing or to see a movie. A part of me thinks I'll be closing myself off from the group, that my home group would be keeping me from growing like I should be. But I know that's not true. I know with the direction I believe I'm clled to take with my life that I need to keep in touch with my people because they are all going to be in my life and a big part of my life for a while yet.

I belive the thought I mull over the most is how my time gone will reflect in my relationship with my friend-who-is-a-girl. I am not afraid, nor worried. But I wish I could be both home and away at camp at the same time. However, that is impossible. Obviously. I know I have been growing a lot with my aforementioned friend, MJ, and I know that the upcoming summer will be another time of growth, apart from each other, yet still closer to each other so long as we're both moving towards the same Goal, as I know we surely are. I am confident that my future is secure. Therefore, I am not worried. I wait. Patiently.

I'm also doing a good bit of research into colleges for the next school year. I'm enrolled at a community college for now, but it's only temporary. My main interest is in a school called Mission Baltimore. I've done a fair amount of looking into it and all I have left to do is pray, fill out and send in my application, and continue praying.

Man, there's been so much happening in my life lately! I'm not doing so great in my math class, and my philosophy teacher isn't my greatest fan, but there's so much goodness besides that! I've been teaching a few friends to dance, along with MJ, in preparation for prom which is tomorrow! I've had so many chances to talk deeply with several of my closer friends, I love intense discussions, listening and learning. I love my family. I've been able to help my dad out with a bunch of projects here at home while he remodels an apartment for my sister and brother in law. I love working with my dad. Our relationship has been really strained in the past and only recently, within the last couple years, has it begun to grow properly. Working along side of him is so much better and fighting against him for what I think I deserve or what I think is best for me. Immeasurably so.

And there's so much more. I don't even know how to describe most of it though. As stressfed out as I am tempted to feel sometimes with so much on my plate and so many big choices to make, I am peaceful because I know I am secure. And I know that even though I don't know, He knows.

It is all well with my soul.

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