Sunday, February 13, 2011

God is Not a Man, God is Not a White Man.

Ok, so this wasn't the first time I've learned this, but it was definitely a great reminder..

I was in Ocean City this past week to help with Winterfest. One of the first mornings we were down there (I can't remember which because they are all very blurred together) we had a few hours to ourselves, so I went for a walk along the beach. In my wandering up and down the shore, I began to talk to God as I picked up a few shells here and there. I was amazed at the the detail of the shells. I've seen shells before in my life, plenty of them, but I'd never taken the time to marvel at their intricate patterns and unique forms. I was impressed that God would so carefully shape something so small and temporary. Then I looked out at the ocean. I looked as far as I could, past the lone jet-ski way out there, and tried to peek over the edge of the horizon to see further than the curve of the earth would let me. It's clearly impossible to do that, but it never stops me from trying. Looking out over such a vast and endless seeming body of water gave me an fantastic realization: God is big. I knew this already, but when I thought about it, that He formed this HUGE ocean in one breath, not even in a whole day! it made me realize that He's even bigger than I had been giving Him credit. How much bigger than the whole ocean must He be if He could make it from nothing in only a moment?

It made me feel really, really tiny walking next to Him on the beach.

1 comment:

  1. I think that we all need a reminder of how big God is. We need to keep in mind the God is huge. Bigger than the ocean, the world, and the universe. We can't box Him up and think he can't handle what we think are huge problems. I wish I could completely understand God and all His vastness..
