Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly News Report

Something I learned this week… Hmm...

This week I think I learned a little about the Holy Spirit. Something related to it, at least.
I am a God-fearing, Christ-following, Jesus-honoring Christian. Yet, I have never been filled with the Holy Spirit as Paul describes it. That’s not to say that the Spirit has not and is not working in my life in some way, it’s that I’m not sure that it’s as easy to recognize the presence of the Spirit in my life because there isn’t the evidence which Paul mentions (speaking in tongues, prophesying, etc.). But I learned that I am not the only one. There are many other hardcore Christians who lack the aforementioned evidence of the Holy Spirit in their life. There have been times in the past when I questioned how close to God I really was because I felt “Spirit-less.” Although I knew I couldn’t be the only Christian like this, I’d never had another Christian, who had the undeniable evidence of good fruits coming out of their life, confess that they had never been Spirit-filled according to Paul’s writings. Though I have moved beyond measuring my faith by this standard, it is still somewhat of a comfort to be informed by another Christian that I am not the only one like this.

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