Sunday, July 5, 2009

Trailing His Path

The first night we stayed in Atlanta, Georgia, I had no bed. I had set a mattress aside for myself like everyone else, but somehow mine went missing.

I had been in the bathroom, brushing my teeth. I was worn out from a long car ride and ready for some shut eye. I wandered to the guys room, most everyone else already falling asleep. There were still a couple guys awake, competing over who could expel toxics into the air the most vehemently. I entered and walked to where my mattress should've been, a couple not yet asleep hands groped at my legs to see if I would trip. My mattress wasn't there. I did not panic, however, not yet. I realized I was in a tricky situation now..

See, I pack really light. I can make do with a carpet if there's no bed to be found. So, naturally, I had left pillow and blanket at home, bringing only a towel which I would use for showers or swimming. First I got out my heavy clothes because the air conditioning was on high. I put on my jeans and big sweatshirt hoping for insulation and cushion against the air and hard wood floor. The I draped my five-foot long towel over my six-foot, three-inch self..I was not comfortable.

Fortunately, Nick was laying close by and saw my predicament. He pushed his towel over to me so that I'd have a pillow. Thanks Nick :)

However, the two towels and sweatshirt did very little to make the hard, cold floor comfortable. So I lay there on the floor for about an hour and a half, listening to my comforting iPod, and trying to get comfortable, but failing miserably.

I must've drifted off, because I woke up from a half sleep, feeling like I'd never fallen asleep. I looked at my clock it read about 1:30 a.m. So I must've dozed for a half hour or so. I lay back down again and wandered the corridors of artists on my iPod. I woke up again, still feeling wide awake. I looked at my clock, thinking it must be almost 6 a.m. and that I'd only have to wait another half hour to get up with everyone. It was 3:30 a.m... I couldn't stand it anymore. I was so sore and I was cold, and as tired as I knew I was, I was wide awake and not going to sleep again any time soon.

I got up and grabbed my Bible from next to me. It was in a cover, so I had stuck a few thin Bible related materials in with it before I had left along with the lines for my pirate drama. I tip-toed around limp, snoring bodies (oh yes, the snoring was terrible..) quietly opened the door and snuck into the hallway.

It was lit; it was the only light they kept on inside at night. I walked to the end and looked out the glass door. The alarm wasn't set on the door, but it was locked, so there was no wandering out into the Refuge's well-lit parking lot. Instead I meandered down a side hallway. I looked at all the different pictures nailed to the walls, painted by some of the kids at the shelter. They were cute pictures of the "bride and groom," the "sower and the seeds,""Spiter-man and Soper-Girl." There were also a few interesting and inspiring quotes pasted on the many doors on either side of the hall.

I simply walked. Back and forth along the same hallway. I wrote down a few of the verses and a few of the quotes, ones that stood out to me. After about a half hour of this, I went into one of the meeting rooms, it was open already, and looked around. I looked out the windows: it was quiet outside, warm too. But the outside world was sleeping. I turned on the light in the room and went over to one of the walls where there were a few shelves with objects of various sizes on them. One of the objects was a simple picture with two sentences on it. "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead to where there is no path and leave a trail."

It was one of the most inspiring things I'd ever heard. I had to write it down. I wrote it down. I had to write more. I sat down. I unzipped my Bible cover and looked for something to write on. The only thing I could find was my script, so I took it out and flipped it over, to the blank side of the page. And wrote....

Do not follow where the path may lead,
Go instead to where there is no path and leave a trail.
For surely with love you will find what you need,
And through time you will see that His grace will prevail.

Our God does not ignore those who are faithful,
He will bless all of you that are true.
We've been given a heart as well as a soul,
That's all that He's asking from you.

Jesus gave up His life, so we could live on,
Eternally after we die.
Obey His commands, on Rock build upon,
Do or do not, there's no "try."

Watch over His people, lead all of His sheep,
Feed them with His Holy Word.
Beware of the darkness, it snarls and creeps,
Keep it away from His herd.

In all that you do, give it your all,
Give only one-hundred percent.
For all that you give for the Lord on most High,
Is just a fraction of what's already been spent.

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